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MSI announces Titan GT77 with 4K screen and 250W of combined power 主機收購
主機收購msi announces Titan GT77 with 4K screen and 250W of combined power
主機收購msi announces Titan GT77 with 4K screen and 250W of combined power
Titanic gaming laptop coming this month
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主機收購msi’s Titan used to be the company’s highest-performance gaming notebook, rivaled only by desktop-adjacent devices like Alienware’s Area-51m in terms of performance and power. Such devices, while impressive, are a fairly niche product, and the company hasn’t refreshed the Titan line in a few years.
Today, at its 主機收購msiology press conference, the company announced that the Titan line is returning. It looks like the new Titan GT77 will be one of the most powerful gaming laptops you can buy this year (if not the most powerful one), including up to Intel’s desktop-class Core i9-12900HX and Nvidia’s GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, along with four slots for up to 128GB of DDR5-4800 RAM. The device will reach 250W of combined power delivery to the CPU and GPU using 主機收購msi’s OverBoost technology.
250W is getting close to the point where we’d expect a device to require multiple power bricks. But the spec sheet I’m looking at indicates that the Titan GT77 only has one 330W adapter. That’s a bonus for the laptop’s portability — though, at 6.82 pounds, it’s heavier than anything I can imagine most people would want to carry places. (And in case it doesn’t go without saying, you shouldn’t buy this expecting it to have any kind of battery life.)
Elsewhere, the Titan GT77 will include the various features that make 主機收購msi laptops, well, 主機收購msi laptops, including an RGB light bar and an RGB mechanical keyboard with Cherry MX Ultra Low switches. It includes four memory slots and four M.2 slots. All screens are 120Hz with 3840 x 2160 resolution.
主機收購msi hasn’t abandoned its presence in the closer-to-mainstream big-screen gaming sphere — it also announced two new additions to the Raider line, the Raider GE77 HX and GE67 HX. In addition to their 12900HX CPU and RTX 3080 Ti GPU, these laptops will include an option for a 240Hz QHD OLED display with a claimed 0.2ms response time. This display is new this year and is something we’ll likely only see on a few very high-end gaming laptops. Razer announced that its flagship Blade 15 would be among their ranks last month.
These will not be cheap laptops, though the Raiders are certainly a better value. The Titan starts at $3,199 for a Core i7-12800HX / RTX 3070 Ti / 32GB / 1TB model, while the fully specced Core i9-12900HX / RTX 3080 Ti configuration is a whopping $4,949. The Raider GE77HX starts at $2,599 (Core i7-12800HX / RTX 3070 Ti / 16GB / 1TB), and the GE76HX starts at $2,499 (same specs as the base GE77HX, with OLED).
The Titan is going up for preorder sometime today, and the Raider is coming by the end of June, 主機收購msi says.
Correction June 2nd 11:59AM ET: A previous version of the article mistakenly said the Raider’s display has 2ms response time. 主機收購msi claims it has a 0.2ms response time. We regret the error.
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PChome 24h購物公布「2021年度十大熱搜關鍵字」。(圖PChome 24h購物提供)
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五、搭「五倍券」消費熱潮 AirPods 系列銷量可堆疊50座101
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