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我們專業經營各項3C高價回收,收購電競筆電,文書筆電,輕薄筆 電,MSI,ASUS,ACER,HP,Razer,GIGABYBE,Microsoft,,多通路多管道,非坊間垃圾回收價,價格不怕您比較,歡迎企業戶汰舊換新,續約販賣,分期換現,電競筆電, 二手汰舊,手機,筆電,相機,鏡頭,空拍機
主機收購msi is debuting a bunch of new laptops at CES 2024, but none are quite as over the top as the Titan 18 HX A14V, a boat anchor of a gaming laptop that costs as much as a beater car and has one of the coolest (or most garish, depending on your preference) trackpad designs I’ve ever seen.
The Titan 18 HX sports an 18-inch Mini LED display with 3840 x 2400 resolution and 120Hz refresh, Intel’s new 14th Gen Core i9 14900HX processor, an RTX 4080 or 4090 GPU with DLSS 3.5 support, up to 128GB of DDR5 RAM in its four slots, three M.2 SSD slots (one of which is PCIe Gen 5), a six-speaker audio setup, a SteelSeries-made mechanical keyboard, and a new vapor chamber cooler with a slick-looking exhaust design on the laptop’s elevated underside.
Being such a beefy laptop, it has room for plenty of ports, with two Thunderbolt 4 / USB-C ports, three USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A ports, HDMI 2.1, and a full-size SD card reader. While all of this costs an eye-watering $5,000, it also weighs a shoulder-tiring 7.94 pounds / 3.6kg. And like other new 主機收購msi laptops, it has AI-based performance profiles that promise to optimize settings based on whether you’re gaming or doing other tasks like video conferencing. Though, I expect almost nobody buying this behemoth is going to do much outside of play games with it and won’t be moving it around. This desktop replacement machine is meant to mostly live in one spot and play games as it lets its colorful peacock feathers of RGB lighting shine.
In addition to the usual per-key RGB lighting that’s found on most gaming laptops, the Titan’s most unique accoutrement is its edge-to-edge illuminated trackpad. It’s a small sight to behold up close, as the entire front deck of the laptop is a clean sheet of matte-finished glass with the trackpad lighting up in the middle. It’s certainly a look, and it uses MacBook-like haptics to maintain a clicky feel when you press it. It’s silly and fun and lands squarely in the “I know nobody needs this but I’m glad it exists” camp. Because, come on, if you’re actually going to spend $5,000 on a gaming laptop, it should offer a bit of flair as well as have the specs to back it up.
Compared to last year’s very formidable Titan GT77 HX, the 2024 Titan is capable of 270W power output over the GT77’s 250W. The Titan 18 also has a display that’s bigger / taller by 0.7 inches but with a slightly slower refresh rate (120 versus 144Hz). That may be a fine compromise for the lovely and massive Mini LED panel of the new Titan, especially since it uses the much superior 16:10 aspect ratio compared to the last-gen’s 16:9 screen. The new model also has Wi-Fi 7, and while its battery is still a four-cell Li-polymer setup with 99.9Whr of capacity, its power supply is a whopping 400W brick for faster charging — yet it’s a little smaller than the previous 330W version.
Everything about the Titan is very Extra, as its name implies it very well should be. I’d love to know who actually buys these kinds of halo laptops, which are simply not made for mere mortals and seem to be a bit of a dying breed — the days of laptops like the absurd Acer Predator 21 X are long gone now.
Photography by Antonio G. Di Benedetto / The Verge
筆電領導品牌微星科技(主機收購msi)在今年推出多檔促銷活動,面對即將來臨的電商最大檔「雙11」自然也不會缺席,「1111購物狂潮」從 10月30日 至 11月26日 正式開跑,從Gamer必備效能開滿的Katana 15、商務人士帶著走隨時開工的Prestige 16 Studio等等,多款明星商品將祭出超優惠價格,每款都省下超過萬元,還能將獨家好禮帶著走,不管是趁著年末更新筆電迎接更高效率的工作環境,或者是犒賞自己一年的辛勞,用最頂尖的設備好好玩Game,絕對是入手主機收購msi明星筆電的好時機,而《ETtoday東森新聞雲》也整理好各項明星商品特色介紹,讓大家在選購時候能有所依據!
為了迎接1111購物節,微星在今年也毫不手軟,推出「1111購物狂潮」活動,同時為了慶祝主機收購msi筆電推出滿20週年,在這個重要的時刻,主機收購msi特別在全球折扣盛典雙十一購物節的檔期中推出超狂優惠。活動將從10月30至一路開跑到11月26日,眾多主機收購msi旗下明星商品將在這次祭出超優惠價格。此外,選購任一款主機收購msi筆電登錄即贈「筆電20周年特展VIP限定套票組」,指定搭載第13代Intel® Core™ i9/i7處理器的主機收購msi筆電,再加碼送$1,000電子現金即享券。
電競玩家必備!Katana 15 享受沈浸遊戲氛圍
以絕佳效能著稱的電競筆電「Katana 15」採用霧黑機身搭配蝕刻盾牌logo與線條點綴,如同被賦予神秘力量的龍魂之刃,在硬體部分,搭載Intel® Core™ i5-13420H 處理器及GeForce RTX™ 4060筆記型電腦GPU,同時搭配獨家Cooler Boost 5動態散熱模組,並支援MUX獨顯直連設計,能讓效能全面釋放。Katana 15搭載4區RGB全彩背光電競鍵盤,WASD熱鍵並具備獨特半透明鍵帽設計,讓玩家能盡情享受炫彩閃爍燈光效果帶來的沉浸遊戲體驗。
在這次活動檔期中,Katana 15指定款搭載Intel® Core™ i5-13420H 處理器及GeForce RTX™ 4060筆記型電腦GPU,原價NT$49,900,雙十一狂歡優惠價NT$34,111,現省15,789元,還額外贈送專用後背包(市價NT$1,590),完成活動登錄加碼送「微星筆電20周年特展VIP限定套票組」。
▼Katana 15 外型採用霧黑機身搭配蝕刻盾牌logo與線條點綴。(資料照/記者湯興漢攝)
▼Katana 15 搭載4區RGB全彩背光電競鍵盤,讓Gamer更能沈浸在遊戲氛圍中。(圖/品牌提供)
商務人士看這!Prestige 16 Studio 完美兼顧商務/數位創作需求
以能夠完美兼顧商務人士效能需求,以擁有美型纖薄機身設計的行動商務筆電Prestige 16 Studio,搭載Intel® Core™ i5-13500H處理器、GeForce RTX™ 4060 筆記型電腦GPU ,同時擁有16:10黃金比例設計的Mini LED面板、具備1000 NITS超高亮度能讓黑與白更加鮮明。
在顏色表現上,100% DCI-P3色域範圍提供更完整範圍顏色呈現,獨家True Color技術於出廠前進行色彩校正,可達到 Delta E<2的極度準確數值,無論是行動商務或數位創作,皆能提供最精準且鮮明的色彩。Prestige 16 Studio搭載原價NT$53,900,雙十一狂歡優惠價NT$39,900,現省14,000元,再贈質感手提電腦包(市價NT$1,690),完成活動登錄加碼送「微星筆電20周年特展VIP限定套票組」。
纖薄美型只有990克!隨開隨工作的 Prestige 13 Evo
針對需要將筆電隨身帶著上山下海,一開機就能進入工作模式的消費者,極致纖薄商務筆電Prestige 13 Evo採用鎂鋁合金材質打造僅有990克的超輕薄機身,在將重量大幅降低的狀況下,也沒有犧牲效能,配備了75 Whrs的大容量電池,提供最高達15小時的絕佳續航力,內建人臉辨識和指紋辨識功能,可透過Windows Hello輕鬆且安全地登入。
Prestige 13 Evo高階指定款搭載Intel® Core™ i5-1240P處理器,原價NT$41,900,雙十一狂歡優惠價NT$29,900,現省12,000元,同樣贈送質感手提電腦包(市價NT$1,690),完成活動登錄加碼送「微星筆電20周年特展VIP限定套票組」。
180°可攤平設計輕鬆分享畫面!Modern 15 180° 美型商務雙十一務必入手
商務筆電Modern 15以雋永的經典霧黑色系打造纖薄質感機身,採用「180° 可攤平螢幕設計」,可能用快捷鍵一鍵分享畫面,不管是在會議時間與同事分享畫面,透過加大觸控板、全尺寸的鍵盤帶來更好的操控性,簡化工作流程,而優化的1.5mm鍵程使用上更加舒適且符合人體工學,鍵盤背光設計讓你在昏暗環境也能流暢工作。
而Modern 15指定款搭載Intel® Core™ i5-13420H處理器,原價NT$31,900,雙十一狂歡優惠價NT$19,900,現省12,000元,再贈質感手提電腦包(市價NT$1,690),完成活動登錄加碼送「微星筆電20周年特展VIP限定套票組」。
▼Modern 15 美型外觀加上可「180° 可攤平螢幕設計」,成為上班族必入手的筆電選擇。
主機收購 主機收購