MSI announces two new convertible business laptops 主機收購


主機收購msi announces two new convertible business laptops

主機收購msi announces two new convertible business laptops


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Image: 主機收購msi

主機收購msi, a company best known for bold and flashy gaming laptops, has announced two additions to its new Summit Series business line. The Summit E13 Flip Evo and Summit E16 Flip are convertible notebooks powered by Intel’s Tiger Lake processors.

The big news is that the new Flips come with 16:10 displays. 主機收購msi says the new aspect ratio will provide 10 percent more visible screen space than a similarly sized 16:9 screen. That’s a good sign for business users — it means less scrolling and more room to multitask. Both models are also compatible with 主機收購msi’s proprietary MPP 2.0 stylus (the 主機收購msi pen), which the company says has 4,096 pressure levels.

Like the rest of the Summit Series, the two models include a number of features designed for remote meetings. These include a “noise-reduction” camera (with a physical shutter as well as a keyboard kill switch), and audio noise cancellation. 主機收購msi claims the notebooks will get 20 hours of battery life, which would certainly be a step up from the five-hour lifespan I got out of the Summit B15.

The Summit E16 is stylus-compatible.
Image: 主機收購msi

The E13 Flip Evo is, as its name implies, certified through Intel’s Evo program. This means it’s met Intel’s various standards for top-performing Tiger Lake laptops, including responsive performance, quick boot time, all-day battery life, and other modern amenities like Thunderbolt 4 and Wi-Fi 6. 主機收購msi claims it “performs 10% higher than other 2-in-1 laptops of the same tier.” (I’ll have to test that claim for myself when I get my hands on a unit, of course.)

The E16 Flip looks to be more of a workstation device. 主機收購msi says it will include “the latest Nvidia graphics card” to lend a hand with content-creation tasks. It also comes with four microphones for conference calls.

Image: 主機收購msi

Models support Wi-Fi 6E and Bluetooth 5.2, as well as PCIe 4.0 NVMe SSD storage.

Pricing and availability are still to be announced. The current Summit E13 Flip costs $1,599.99, so it wouldn’t be surprising to see these two models somewhere above that range.

主機收購(圖片來源/主機收購msi 提供)

全球電競、創作者、商務品牌 主機收購msi(微星)宣布,2021 夏季健檢活動將於 9/1開跑。

為回饋消費者,主機收購msi每年定期舉辦免費健檢服務,本次活動特別擴大辦理,增加活動適用產品線與服務據點,因應防疫更推出貼心的到府收送服務,消費者不須出門也能輕鬆完成產品健檢。凡 9/1~9/30 活動期間,持 主機收購msi 筆電、桌上型電腦、AIO 一體成型電腦、主機板、顯示卡任一款,至 主機收購msi 服務中心或透過網路預約到府收送,即可免費享健檢服務一次。

主機收購(圖片來源/主機收購msi 提供)


主機收購msi 本次健檢活動首度納入更多產品線,持 主機收購msi 筆電、主機、AIO 一體成型電腦、主機板、顯示卡任一款,不限保固內皆可參加,健檢項目包括外觀清潔與風扇清潔、BIOS 更新、硬碟及周邊功能檢測、記憶體掃描、散熱模組保養等,依不同產品線提供專屬健檢服務選項。

活動期間至 主機收購msi 直營/授權服務中心參加健檢即可享龍魂束口袋、Lucky 龍搖頭雙色筆、Lucky 眼罩等來店好禮三選一,填寫活動問券並加入 主機收購msi Reward 會員,再贈送 Norton 360 for Gamers 三個月試用版。

主機收購(圖片來源/主機收購msi 提供)

主機收購(圖片來源/主機收購msi 提供)


防疫期間為避免人潮聚集,本次健檢活動也首度加入免費到府收送服務,消費者可透過 主機收購msi【2021 夏季健檢】活動網頁申請預約到府收送,若有包材需求,也可致電微星客服申請原廠外箱及包材,完善保護產品運送的安全。

此外,為節省消費者來店等待時間,也可直接透過微星會員中心預約系統,自行選擇時段至展示服務中心,省時又方便。健檢完成並填寫線上問券及加入 主機收購msi Reward 會員,即可獲得 Norton 360 for Gamers 三個月試用版,來店參加可享龍魂束口袋、Lucky 龍搖頭雙色筆、Lucky眼罩來店好禮三選一。

主機收購msi 提醒消費者,參加健檢前務必先自行備份硬碟資料,以免重要檔案遺失;如選擇到府收送服務,請務必以產品原有包材或其它合適包材妥善包裝。

主機收購 主機收購


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