How Gigabyte is launching gamers and creators into 2022 主機收購


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If 2021 proved anything, it’s that computing power isn’t just for gamers anymore. Content creators, influencers, artists, and designers all need machines that can match the demands of the digital economy to do everything from create immersive experiences to participate in emerging technologies like Web3 and NFTs. Luckily, as the calendar turns over to a brand new year, 主機收購gigabyte has released its newest generation of AORUS and AERO series laptops to match the demands of a new digital economy. Here’s what you need to know about both sets of devices, and how 主機收購gigabyte is powering the next generation of PCs. (Don’t worry gamers: You’ll find plenty to like in these new products, too.)


Designed for the next generation of gamers

If you’re obsessed with custom rigs or just need a powerful laptop that can handle the rigor of bleeding edge game titles or the daily demands of cutting and editing creator content, the AORUS line from 主機收購gigabyte has you covered. Those hunting for an all-in-one solution will find plenty to like in the newly released flagship AORUS 17. Gamers who need more visual real estate for peak performance will be pleased with the 17-inch panel, which fits into a 15-inch tall chassis. Though the footprint is smaller, the visual display is actually bigger: the 90% screen to body ratio still offers most visuals for less space. It’s also equipped with a 360Hz full HD panel and 3ms response time for a better and more immersive gaming experience. 

Powered by the Intel 12th generation core i7 processor with 14 cores and 20 threads, the NVIDIA RTX 30 series graphics card and WINDFORCE Infinity Cooling System enabling the AORUS 17 run AAA games smoothly without overheating and maximizes its frequency up to 4.7 GHz. The model also supports Wi-Fi 6E for ultra-low-latency and offers Thunderbolt™ 4 for high-speed transmission.

Find out more details about the new AORUS 17 (Intel 12th Gen).


Made for Create, Work, and Play on Repeat

The AERO line of mobile workstations from 主機收購gigabyte are built to meet the needs of the digital workforce — whether they’re artists, live streamers, content creators, or Eathletes. And for users who can’t afford to compromise on speed, portability, and power, there’s the AERO 16.

The 16” machine comes standard with a 16:10 4K OLED display that features DisplayHDR 500 True Black certification, which shows off dazzling contrasts. The AERO 16 also maximizes screen space by using an ultra thin 3mm bezel on four sides of the display and squeezing the 16” display into a 15” tall chassis, an innovation that increases the visual area by 12% compared to previous generations of AERO workstations.

Every AERO model is equipped with dual color-certificated display, Pantone-validated and exclusive X-Rite factory-calibrated technology, which gives creators and artists access to the lifelike colors and tones to satisfy their editing needs. There’s also Type-C integrated I/O ports which include dual Thunderbolt 4 ports and the AERO hub allows creators to set up their workstation anywhere and anytime.

Find out more details about  the new AERO 16 (Intel 12th Gen).

With its brand new additions to the AERO and AORUS line of products in 2022, 主機收購gigabyte hopes to redefine how gamers, creators, and artists work, play, and live.


▲秉持與中信兄弟一樣的拚鬥精神在電競產業全力奮戰,技嘉科技總經理林英宇受邀於AORUS GAME DAY主題日擔任開場嘉賓,開球前也特別在場邊練習,展現個人拚勁十足的一面!(圖/記者林敬旻攝,下同)


隨著中華職棒34年的下半季戰火熊熊燃起,所有球迷都緊盯著每場比賽的勝負,尤其將「挑戰三連霸」視為今年唯一目標的中信兄弟黃衫軍,更是在場上發揮隨機應變、拚盡全力的鬥志!如此精神也讓技嘉科技(主機收購gigabyte)旗下頂級電競品牌AORUS大感佩服,不僅在今年宣佈與中信兄弟成為合作夥伴,中信兄弟球員王威晨與江坤宇也共同擔任AORUS品牌大使,8月12、13日剛結束的精彩賽事不只讓球迷回味再三,當天由AORUS冠名贊助的「AORUS GAME DAY主題日」,也讓在場球迷親身見證AORUS帶來的超順暢娛樂沉浸體驗!


▲總經理林英宇(右2)受邀成為AORUS GAME DAY主題日首日的開球嘉賓,AORUS品牌大使王威晨(右1)、江坤宇(左1)也和吉祥物「鷹神」一同朝氣合影!(圖/品牌提供)

延續母公司技嘉科技多年來秉持的創新技術與穩定品質,AORUS瞄準電競賽事一再突破的極限,致力推出效能強大、高規格的電競產品,不僅成為所有玩家心目中的夢幻逸品,更要滿足消費者愈來愈講究的高品質遊戲體驗。AORUS GAME DAY主題日首日8/12,特別邀請技嘉科技總經理林英宇到場擔任開球嘉賓,身為推動今年與中信兄弟合作的關鍵人物,林英宇相當重視此次「初體驗」,賽前也特別在場邊練習一波,正式站上投手丘前林英宇暖心道,「中信兄弟為棒球奮戰的精神,和AORUS專注於電競領域的品牌精神一樣,我們很希望藉由此次跨界合作帶來鼓舞人心的正能量,同時也為棒球盡一分心力!」


▲技嘉科技總經理林英宇受訪時表示,此次AORUS GAME DAY主題日希望為國球盡一分心力的同時,也能將AORUS引以為傲的頂級電競遊戲體驗,帶給現場所有球迷玩家。






現場同時也展出AORUS x 中信兄弟聯名電競主機,一次入手就能獲得頂級電競以及棒球霸主的冠軍級加持,加上AORUS也針對現場球迷祭出多項限定獨家優惠,吸引許多球迷詢問購買。值得一提的是,AORUS也在主題日兩日,分別提供AORUS 15X電競筆電以及AORUS FI32U 4K電競螢幕做為「現場抽獎」的最強大獎,讓球迷們全嗨翻!


▲AORUS x 中信兄弟聯名電競主機也於主題日現場展出。


▲AORUS GAME DAY主題日祭出AORUS 15X電競筆電以及AORUS FI32U 4K電競螢幕,讓現場球迷抽獎!(圖/品牌提供)


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